As I'm sitting here in a push-up bra, hair puffed up about 6 inches off my scalp and doused with enough hairspray to make me a walking fire hazard, I can't help but feel extraordinarily happy.
The last couple of days have been amazing-and I DO mean amazing. Reconnecting with old friends, forging stronger bonds with those who almost floated away, and running around the backyard nearly topless-these are all things I am incredibly thankful for. What, it's not Thanksgiving? Meh. Who cares?
As always, I have this incredible feeling of...I don't know...uncertainty? Apprehension? Anxiety? As I draw closer to my 21st birthday, I am really feeling my age (don't laugh!)...and feeling like I don't have the slightest idea about what I'm doing or where I'm going...or what I want. Due to stupid mistakes I've made in the past, I'm technically a freshman again, with $9,000 or so in student loans, all for nothing. I'm not even sure what I'm enrolled in (medical imaging) is really-I mean, REALLY REALLY-what I want. But, it's okay. Know why?
I have this incredible little bundle of friends there for my mental breakdowns, and this safety net of colleagues and friends surrounding them to listen to me complain all day. There is this amazing network of support I have, and I am the luckiest person on the planet for it. They are the reason why I haven't been thrown, donning a straight jacket and screaming mad, into the back of a white truck. And I love them for it.
I freaking love you! Ha ha ha!